Ufo art gallery kraków


My Dreams Are of Strangers’ Houses

‘No live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality; even larks and katydids are supposed, by some, to dream.’1 With this statement, Shirley Jackson opens the plot of The Haunting of Hill House. Dreams, including daydreams, allow one to take root in the world. They are not an expression […]

White Tower

Imagine a white government palace in the wild Białowieża Forest, just beyond the wall on the Belarusian side. It is Viskuli, a village that witnessed the collapse of the Soviet Union and the birth of a new reality. It was there, in 1991, that the breakthrough occurred that ushered in a new era. The crumbling […]


Wystawa Unknoiw / exhibition | UFO Art Gallery

When does the creative process become as interesting as its final result? The most general answer may be as follows: when something cognitively unexpected was revealed during creation. Or unexpected forms have appeared, which indicate freedom in shaping what is still unknown and unclear, but already indicate new possibilities of meaning. This gives rise to […]
