Ufo art gallery kraków


Karolina Jarzębak

Karolina Jarzębak (born 1990) – visual artist working with performance and video art, creating objects and installations. She graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow at the Faculty of Painting in the studio of prof. A. Bednarczyk. Co-founder of Galeria 404 (2015-2017) in Krakow. The sad one in the “Sad Face” duo. Founder of the Jak Zapomniec gallery. She draws inspiration from memes and pictures found at the end of the internet. Problems faced by millennials, loneliness, the symbolism of sadness and anxiety, caused by the current socio-political situation in Poland and in the world, are the main themes of her work.


Gallery exhibitions

group show

7.07.2023 – 27.07.2023

Wystawa Unknoiw / exhibition | UFO Art Gallery

