Ufo art gallery kraków


Sofie Švejdová

Sofie Švejdová (*1990) is a graduate of the Painting Studio (2009 – 2014) of Stanislav Diviš and Jiří Černický at the Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague. In 2008, she underwent a foreign internship at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp (Belgium). In 2018, the Jiří Švestka Gallery published the author’s first catalogue. The author has been exhibiting regularly since 2012 in the Czech Republic and abroad. Most recently, her work was presented in solo exhibitions +50° (2020, Pragovka Gallery, Pop Up, Prague), Greenhouse (2021, Karpuchina Gallery, Prague), Over the Age (2022, F. Jenewein Gallery, Kutná Hora).


Gallery exhibitions

group show


18.06.2022 – 30.07.2022

ONE wystawa

