Ufo art gallery kraków


Fille d’artiste

Isa Schmidlehner Fille d’artiste oil on canvas 40 x 30 cm 2021 (1)

Schmidlehner’s second work in the exhibition dates from 2021 and has the French title Fille d’artiste. Compared to the previous one, it veers stylistically more towards a monochrome abstraction and the muted slowing down of a post-modern ‘ecliptic of presence’ (Jean Baudrillard). In the top section, the painting shows the outline of a girlish figure rendered in thin green lines that, despite […]

Wiener Blut

Isa Schmidlehner Wiener Blut oil on canvas 52 x 120 cm 2007 (3)

Idyllic and bucolic moods appear on Viennese artist’s canvas, just like in the Wiener Blut operetta, in close proximity to private tragedies (here an ancestral tree with stains of blood) and other less joyful life events. A significant moment in Schmidlehner’s paintings, moreover, is the border and the relationship that runs between man and architecture. An example of the latter is […]

Anders gedacht

Barbara Mungenast Anders gedacht acrylic on canvas 90 cm 2021 (3)

Mungenast consciously refers to her earlier works from the 1990s. Similarly as in them, she makes circular movements within a circle using a mechanical construction she had designed specifically for this purpose – a prosthetic extension of a hand which makes painterly gestures. Starting from the centre, she follows a spiral line towards the outer frame of the work. There the line breaks […]

from the ‘Kinderzeichnungen’ series

Ugo Rondinone from the 'Kinderzeichnungen' series pencil on paper 42 x 30 cm 1988

The artist likes to evoke emotions and moods that are associated with childhood. Two pencil drawings from 1988, from the series Kinderzeichnungen (translated as ‘children’s drawings’), directly relate to this period of life. They betray the introverted, dreamy character characteristic of Rondinone while remaining rich in playful references to the history of painting. In one work, the motif of a painter turning […]

from the ‘Kinderzeichnungen’ series

Ugo Rondinone from the 'Kinderzeichnungen' series pencil on paper 42 x 30 cm 1988

The artist likes to evoke emotions and moods that are associated with childhood. Two pencil drawings from 1988, from the series Kinderzeichnungen (translated as ‘children’s drawings’), directly relate to this period of life. They betray the introverted, dreamy character characteristic of Rondinone while remaining rich in playful references to the history of painting. In one work, the motif of a painter turning […]

Plan wystawy

Marcin Maciejowski no title pencil on paper | 29,5 x 21 cm 2003

The pencil drawing shown in the exhibition, Plan wystawy Exhibition Plan, demonstrates howthe artist dealt with the three fundamental tropes of his art as part of his first retrospective exhibition atthe National Museum in Krakow.
