Ufo art gallery kraków


Title: Apparent freedom (temporary city) From the series Spirit of the Hive

Medium: Podaj medium

Year of Creation: 2020

Ten thousand years ago, a neat line was drawn on the wall of the Araña Cave of a beekeeper while collecting honey for wild bees that have been here on Earth for over a hundred million years. Beekeeping practice is a long and careful study. Observation of even a small relationship between a bee and a swarm, a swarm and a queen bee, a bee colony and environmental conditions indicates a gradation of relationships in nature, of which we are only an element. A species posing a threat to others, more and more numerous, the most expansive, exploiting and destroying the environment. In view of the common problem of bees dying out, running an apiary seems beneficial for maintaining the species, but it should wonder whether the predominance of honey bees will disturb biodiversity among other pollinating insects. It must be honestly said that human interference in the life of bees has always been driven by profit. The intentions are already indicated by the names “bee breeding” or “honey extraction”. In order to think ecologically, one should remember about the balance between the good of the bee and the good of humans, and this depends on the ethics of the beekeeper. Such ethics should result not so much from empathy for living beings, which seems obvious, but also from current scientific knowledge about the threats to the lives of pollinating insects, without which we will become extinct. Maurice Maeterlinck wrote “(…) everything points to the fact that it is not the queen who decides about the swarm, but the spirit of the hive itself. Something similar happens with it as with leaders among people. It seems that they issues orders, while they themselves must be subject to a will more powerful and more inflexible than that which they impose on their subordinates.” And we, humans, do we listen to such a spirit?


group show

28.10.2022 – 26.11.2022


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