Ufo art gallery kraków



Tomek Baran, Maria Ciborowska, Serhij Ďakivb,
Marcin Dymek, Eva Maceková, Piotr Kolanko,
Radim Koros, Petr Pelzmann, Julius Reichel,
Grzegorz Siembida, Sofie Švejdová, Małgorzata Wielek

Curated by: 

Maria Ciborowska, Alexandra Karpuchina

Arrangement of exhibition: 

Tomek Baran


Szymon Sokołowski

Poster by: 

Maria Ciborowska

18.06.2022 – 30.07.2022

UFO Art Gallery

installation views


The creative search is the most difficult to define in terms of the beginning and the end, in terms of both time and space, the psyche of the artist and the world around him. Although everyone walks the path of the creative process, individual differences mean that the only option is to chart your own path. Creativity. One way, a maze of possibilities. The ONE exhibition is about a meeting of artists searching for and exploring the subject of the unknown in their work. This is the fourth edition of the UNKNOWN project, where the exhibition is preceded by the artists’ discussion about the creative process of the presented works. This year’s UFO Art Gallery event was prepared together with Karpuchina Gallery from Prague.

Maria Ciborowska

About One


  • A graduate of Applied Psychology at the Jagiellonian University (2009) and Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow (2012). In 2014-18 she studied exhibition space design at the Faculty of Interior Design. Since 2015, she has been promoting art by organizing exhibitions, first at Atelier Rajska Poczekalnia, then at UFO Art Gallery in Krakow. Lives and creates in Krakow.

  • Tomek Baran (1985), born in Stalowa Wola, lives and works in Kraków. He obtained his diploma in 2010 at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, Faculty of Painting. In his artistic practice, he willingly experiments with the medium of painting and explores its boundaries. He uses a variety of materials both in terms of the substrates used, the looms carved or constructed, as well as the materials he uses.

  • Marcin Dymek (1986) born in Krakow. Graduate of the Faculty of Graphic Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków; diploma in drawing in the studio of Professor Joanna Kaiser (2012). Currently, a doctoral student at the same university, where he also runs a drawing studio. Participant of scholarship programmes at the Faculty of Fine Arts, Universitatea de Arta si Design, Cluj-Napoca (Romania, 2010) and Sabanci University in Istanbul (Turkey, 2010-2011). Lives and works in Krakow.

  • Serhij Ďakiv (*1995) is a student of the painting studio at the Academy of Fine Arts, Prague under the guidance of Petr Dub and Marek Meduna. His style evolves and changes very quickly, yet he maintains visual consistency and continuity in each short period of style. The artist has a feeling for the current development of painting and knows how to react to it very naturally with his style and not fall asleep. He has exibited in Holešovická Šachta, Skautsky Institut and Karpuchina Gallery.

  • Eva Maceková (1984*) studied at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague in the Studio of Textile Design and in the Studio of Illustration and Graphics. She works with sewing, painting, drawing and printing. Maceková has also been collaborating with the cultural fortnightly A2 as the cover artist for quite some time. Her immediate handwriting is characterized by solid draftsmanship and color. She has exhibited at DOX, City Surfer Office, Ville Pellé, Etc. gallery, Trafo Gallery, and Halle Saint Pierre in Paris. In 2018, she was nominated for the Czech Grand Design Awards in the Illustrator of the Year category.

  • Born in the Czech Republic. Graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow (diploma in the Department of Graphic Arts in the studio of Prof. Lech Polcyn). In 2022 he received his doctoral degree from the Painting Department of his alma mater. Co-author of the UNKNOWN project at UFO Art Gallery. He lives and works in Cracow.

  • Petr Pelzmann (*1988), an autodidact who did not graduate from the Faculty of Design and Art of Ladislav Sutnar in Pilsen, but went his own way, is deconstructing figures in his paintings, in a distinctive manuscript and develops the possibility for authors of new figuration, to capture the essence of the topics in their elemental form. His work was presented in numerous galleries in Czech Republic (mostly Plzen and Prague).

  • Julius Reichel (*1981), graduate of the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, in the studio of Jiří David, is looking through intensive exploration of the changing visual code, linked to the current feeling of life, for an image matrix that will work in an actual time period or any other. He considers himself to be a modern tracker of product / content on the overall net.

  • Grzegorz Siembida (1984) is a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow (diploma at the Faculty of Painting in the studio of Prof. Andrzej Bednarczyk). In 2022, at the Faculty of Art of the Pedagogical University of KEN in Krakow defended his doctoral thesis. He deals with painting and painting installation. His expressive works are a collage of various means of artistic expression. In his art, the artist uses both experiences and practices related to the trend of American expressionist abstraction, as well as artistic procedures associated with pop art or street art. Cultural animator, coordinator of artistic projects.

  • Sofie Švejdová (*1990) is a graduate of the Painting Studio (2009 - 2014) of Stanislav Diviš and Jiří Černický at the Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague. In 2008, she underwent a foreign internship at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp (Belgium). In 2018, the Jiří Švestka Gallery published the author's first catalogue. The author has been exhibiting regularly since 2012 in the Czech Republic and abroad. Most recently, her work was presented in solo exhibitions +50° (2020, Pragovka Gallery, Pop Up, Prague), Greenhouse (2021, Karpuchina Gallery, Prague), Over the Age (2022, F. Jenewein Gallery, Kutná Hora).

  • Piotr Kolanko (1987) born in Jasło. Master of Arts 2013 WSUR. Master of Arts in Graphics 2016 Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow. Co-founder of the Kwiaty Paproci brand. In 2019, Graphic Designer of the National Museum in Krakow. Techniques practiced: Painting, Graphics, Video, Intermedia.

  • Małgorzata Wielek was born in 1976 in Limanowa. In the years 1997 - 2002 she studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow at the Faculty of Painting. In 2009, she defended her PhD thesis entitled "Heart examination" at your alma mater. She took part in over 100 collective exhibitions and nearly 40 individual exhibitions. Wielek works in the Czarny Zakład duo, promoting drawings and tattoos. Professor of the Pedagogical University of Krakow at the Faculty of Art, lives and works in Krakow.



Seti Setters is a fusion of improvised jazz and modular sonoristic explorations. Experimental tendencies are connected by a meaningful groove. The band’s repertoire is completely improvised, depending on the energy and light of the place. The group was born in 2020 during a three-day recording session under the auspices of the Association of Creators, giving birth of a spark between music, which gave rise to accidental journeys. Seti Setters never put on the same gig. The event was held as part of the 27th Krakow Summer Jazz Festival and accompanied the ONE exhibition.


Theater composer and music producer. Dąbrowski is an author of the music for the performances: “Słodka Fibi” dir. Iwo Vedral (Niekonsekwentny Theater in Szczecin), “Employee’s Death” dir. Iwo Vedral (Polish Theater in Poznań), “Death of a Salesman” dir. Iwo Vedral (Dramatic Theater in Białystok), “I’m Making an Eternal Bed”, dir. Iwo Vedral (Polish Theater in Poznań), “Eternal April” dir. Agnieszka Korytkowska-Mazur (Polish Theater in Poznań), “Tales from Oblivion” dir. Duda Paiva (Animation Theater in Poznań). He deals with electronics in the broad sense, from solo projects based on experiments with modular synthesis, through cooperation with instrumentalists (Dąbrowski/Mańko, Droga Krajowe), to dance and noise electronics (Resmover). Author of audiovisual installations and performances. Co-organizer of the Hiatus and Gadafest festivals.


Dawid Fortuna is a graduate of the Krakow Academy of Music. He collaborated with Janusz Muniak, Zbigniew Namysłowski, Zbigniew Wegehaupt, Adam Pierończyk, Michael Patches Stewart, Leszek Możdżer, Dominik Wania, Adam Bałdych, Paweł Kaczmarczyk, Sebastian Bernatowicz and Jerzy Małek. Regularly performs in the following groups: Adam Bałdych Quartet, New Bone, Kuba Płużek Quartet, Dominik Wania Trio, PeGaPoFo and Cracow Jazz Colective.

A real fish swimming in accordance with the natural space-time current. He most likely came to the third planet from the sun with Messier 45. He transmits and receives intergalactic transmissions using instruments from both the new and old world = acoustic, electric and digital spectrum.
In various compositions and formations, he performed at such festivals as: Womad Festival (Chile), Off Festival (Poland), Nishville Jazz Festival (Serbia), Nine Gates Festival (China), Etnosoi! Festival (Finland), Open’air Festival (Poland) and many others. Under the name Astral Balloon, he recorded and released 9 albums with widely understood electronic music.


Kuba Płużek – piano (Kuba Płużek Quartet)

Born in Kraków in 1988, jazz composer and pianist. He studied at the Academy of Music in Katowice (Department of Jazz and Popular Music). Płużek recorded over twenty albums. The premiere of Płużek’s second solo album ‘Book of Resonance’ (Audio Cave), recorded in London’s Snap Studios took place in 2021. Kuba Płużek collaborated and performed with Janusz Muniak, Zbigniew Wegehaupt, Arek Skolik, Wayne Dockery, Michał Urbaniak, Greg Osby, Nigel Kennedy, Maciej Sikała and Bronisław Suchanek.


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